Luis Lecea Romera


lives and works in NL/ES




Nota de Gracia
Lucid Spectrum
High, Relief
In Reach of a Murmur
An Orderly Noise
The Posthumous Aural

Luis Lecea Romera is an artist, composer and lecturer based in Amsterdam and Madrid. His practice manipulates material and aural spaces through situated uses of audio-spatial technologies in
site-relational installations, compositions, and performances. He investigates instances of matter and sound at the thresholds of visibility and audibility, prompting time-based environments designed to engage critically with production, reproduction, and decomposition processes. His recent work examines our relationship to loss and the socio-political significance of decay, exploring the affective and narrative capabilities of vibration and resonance set against bodily, architectural, and landscape contexts.

He is a tutor for Sound in the MFA programme Artificial Times at the Sandberg Instituut. Additionally, he facilitates aux), a collective aimed at fostering conversations, collaborations, and events around experimental practices and critical engagements with listening, music, and sonic arts.