Luis Lecea Romera is an artist, composer, and lecturer based in Amsterdam and Madrid, with a background in architecture and contemporary music. His practice manipulates material and aural spaces through site-relational installations, compositions, and performances. Employing recorded and archival sound, altered objects, and audio-spatial instruments, his work elaborates on our relationship to loss and the socio-political significance of decay, exploring the affective and narrative capabilities of vibration and resonance set against bodily, architectural, and landscape contexts.

His recent presentations include Amsterdam Art Week at Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond (Amsterdam, NL), Matadero (Madrid, 2024), infinity rug at SAVVY Contemporary (Berlin, DE), gnration (Braga, PT), Frascati Theater (Amsterdam, NL), Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (Tenerife, ES), Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven, NL), among others. He has been artist in residence with FIBER Festival (Amsterdam, NL), Semibreve Festival, (Braga, PT), Ezprogui (Navarra, ES), Habitat (Cà de Monti, IT).

He is a tutor in the MFA programme Artificial Times at the Sandberg Instituut, and facilitates aux), a collective platform aimed at fostering conversations, collaborations, and events around experimental practices and critical engagements with listening, music, and sonic arts.

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© 2024 Luis Lecea Romera