Customized SoundCloud Player

An Orderly Noise

2021, 2022

An Orderly Noise is a series of multichannel spatial sound installations developed in collaboration with artist Claire Matthews. Based on field recordings taken from the COVRA nuclear waste disposal facility in Borselle, Zeeland, the pieces examine the architecture of the space, nuclear waste in decay, and the back-end infrastructure keeping the operational at work.

An Orderly Noise No.2


spatial sound installation, 5-channel audio

No.2 arranges a linear site-specific installation, the piece develops as a sonic collision of two architectures in decay. Resonates the Borssele nuclear power plant within the 50m long corridor at the basement of the old telephone house of Amsterdam. The piece integrates pre-existing sound and specific resonances of the space in which it intervenes, blending and expanding an archaeoacoustic condition, and blurring notions of transmission, emission, and reception.

Supported by and exhibited at Laurel Project Space, Amsterdam, NL
Technical consultancy and coding: Oscar van Leest

Photography: Claire Mathews

An Orderly Noise No.1


spatial sound installation, 8-channel audio

The project was made possible through participation in Sound Ecologies Lab which examined interactions between industry, engineering, and ecology as a part of FIBER’s project Reassemble.

Presented at Veem House for Performance, Amsterdam, NL